News Article - Carval John "Cobb" Stotts




anonymously submitted (from unknown source):

This Cookbook is dedicated to Mr. Carval J. Stotts, now of Columbus Ohio who, in 1964, asked me for help in locating a formula for white smoke suitable for piping out the stack of his restored calliope. Surprised to find no available work on such technical problems, I set out to compile one. It had been my fervent wish that the section of this book dealing with atmospheric effects should be published within a decade of his request. It just made that deadline. Meanwhile, not the least impressed at having inspired a book, Mr. Stotts consulted a carny barker older and wiser than either of us and began, early in 1965, dripping plain mineral oil onto a hotplate behind his calliope. The times, the technology and ecological concerns have since changed, but the simplest solution is still usually the best.