Julia Ann Bowman Deposition


Copy of the original document is shown first, with full transcription following.

Deposition A
Case of Julia A Bowman, No. 327216

On this 17 day of April, 1888 at Kecks Church, County of Martin, State of Ind before me, _______, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared Julia A Bowman, claimant, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says:

I am 69 years of age, and reside near Keck's Church, Martin County, Indiana, which is my P.O. address.
I am the wife of William Bowman we were married when I was 22 years of age. I do not remember the date. We have had 12 children but I can't remember the dates of their birth. Pleasant Bowman our son was the oldest boy (there were two girls older). I don't recollect his age, but he wasn't quite 18 when he went to the army.

Q What were your husband's circumstances do you remember where Pleasant was in the army?

A He was not able to work and was down on his back and spitting blood. He had the _____ ____ and kidney disease I recon he was always that a way since we been keeping house and rheumatois (?) but I don't remember what his financial circumstances were at the time he was a man that never talked much and I never knew about his business of what property he had or what he was worth.

Q How did you live was he a good provider did you live well or not?

A Yes he was a good provider and we lived as well as any one of our neighbors.

Q Did you always have plenty to eat and wear and have as good a table and dress as well as any of your neighbors and friends and were you comfortable in all respects?

A Well we did not dress so well or live as well as most of our neighbors.

Q Why not?

A We could not afford it and we were ____ ____.

Q What did your son Pleasant do toward your support?

A He worked on the farm.

Q Did he work out any?

A I don't know that he did there was always enough to do here.

Q Did he send you any money from the army?

A Yes sir - 2 or 3 times but I didn't know how much. Never did know. He sent it to his father.

Q Did he send the money for his father to keep for him or to give it to him?

A He sent it to him to use it and have it for himself and family.

Q Was Pleasant's help on the farm or money he sent him in any way necessary to your comfortable support if so how?

A Oh yes. His work let the girls stay in the house and when he went off they had to go into the field and his money was used to supporting us and helping run things.

Q Was there any difference in your living after your son Pleasant died - if so what?

A Oh no about the same as far as I know. I did not notice any difference

Q Can you remember if any of your children were under 16 years old when Pleasant died?

A Yes, William and Hannah and Jacob, Elizabeth and Wilson. I don't remember their ages.

Q What physicians did your husband have to treat him when Pleasant went in the army?

A He had Dr Allan K ______ Dr Barton Sears (?). I don't recollect others.

Q How much of the time was he sick?

A Sometimes he would be sick 2 weeks and sometimes not so long.

Q About how much of a hand could your husband make while Pleasant was in the army?

A He did not make hardly any. He wasn't able. If he did do any he would get down with his ____.

Q Do you know how much land your husband had when Pleasant went into the army?

A No I don't.

Q Before Pleasant went to the army did he work right along all the _____ on the farm or only part of the time?

A He worked right along on the farm like the other boys in the neighborhood.

Q Did he do any more than others?

A He done more than ½ of the boys. He was steady right there.

Q Was Pleasant ever married?

A No sir

Q What company regiment was he in?

A He was in Keck's company I forget what it was.

Q Was he ever in any other company?

A No sir.

Q Have you any of the letters that he wrote home from the army sending money?

A I don't know of any except the ones sent to the Pension office.

Q Who were your nearest neighbors and most intimate with you while Pleasant was in the army?

A My brother Eli Andis and Reese Scott my son in law is all I recollect now. Samuel Porter all get their mail at Keck's Church and Hiram Brown.

Q What witnesses do you want examined in your case to show that the work and contributions of your son Pleasant were necessary to your comfortable support?

A Those whose names I have just given you if they will do.

Q Do you know of anyone who was in the army with Pleasant who knew about him sending money home?

A John Nail I don't know just where he lives down on the river some place he was in the army with Pleasant and worked here on the farm before he enlisted.

Q Will you be present during the examination of the witnesses?

A No I would like my husband to go though he has tended to it and managed it and you need not come back to read it over _____ just so he is satisfied.

Witnessed by William Bowman and J H K_______ for Julia A Bowman (her mark)
17 April 1888