Stouffer - Sturgell


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Click on the first name of an individual to take you to their personal page
(or where their name appears).

If the name is followed by  *  it indicates that their personal page includes one or more of the following: 
individual photo, marriage license, handwriting sample, tombstone photo, obituary, funeral card, etc.

Last name First name Birth year Death year
Stouffer unknown living? living?
Stout Anna Ruth * living? living?
Stout Clifford D * 1898 1964
Stout Cora * 1897 1979
Stout Janice Kay * living? living?
Stout Jimmy Fleet living? living?
Stout Jimmy Fleet II living? living?
Stout Lonnie James II * living? living?
Stout Lonnie James * 1922 1986
Stout Miriam living? living?
Stout Paul living? living?
Stout Robert living? living?
Stout Susan Marline * living? living?
Stout Winfred Wayne * living? living?
Stoutamyer Eric Martin * living? living?
Stoutamyer Haley living? living?
Stoutamyer Harry Edwin * 1934 2008
Stoutamyer Jake living? living?
Stoutamyer Karen living? living?
Stoutamyer Kimberly Elizabeth * living? living?
Stoutamyer Reuben Asbury unknown unknown
Stoutamyer Ryan living? living?
Stoutamyer Sarah living? living?
Stoute Chloe Lynn living? living?
Stoute Ronnie Joe living? living?
Stover Tammy living? living?
Stover unknown living? living?
Stowe Marcia Lee "Katie" living? living?
Stowe Marilyn Diane living? living?
Stowe Wilfred Mirwood living? living?
Stowe William Phillip Sr 1897 1961
Stowers Joann * 1934 1961
Strabbing Owen living? living?
Strabbing Zoey Naomi Marie living? living?
Straber Deborah Lynn * living? living?
Strader Delores Lynn living? living?
Strader Floyd Harold living? living?
Strader Harold Roosevelt * 1901 1990
Strader Patricia Elaine living? living?
Strader Percy Harold * 1922 1949
Strader Robert Dean * 1945 1973
Strader Robert Harold living? living?
Strader Scott (Dr) living? living?
Stradley Evelyn M * 1924 2005
Stradley Walter W "Dyke" *  1899 1986
Strahle unknown living? living?
Strahley Cary Scott living? living?
Strahley Christian Grant living? living?
Strahley Kirsten Alezandra living? living?
Strahley Lauren Christine living? living?
Strain Mary Ann * 1859 1952
Strain Winona Ruth living? living?
Strang Leona unknown unknown
Strange Adam living? living?
Strange Ella Louise living? living?
Strange Katherine Jane c. 1821 likely 1860-1870
Strange Nathan Edward living? living?
Strangeland unknown living? living?
Strassenburg Kyle Richard living? living?
Strassenburg Levis Abraham living? living?
Strassenburg (see also Torkelson) Lucas Nathaniel living? living?
Strassenburg (see also Torkelson) Timothy James living? living?
Stratman Ed living? living?
Stratton Eleanor Ruth * 1939 2014
Stratton George William 1914 2013
Stratton Jake living? living?
Stratton Linda Lou * living? living?
Stratton Rosa C unknown unknown
Stratz Emily Oneva * living? living?
Stratz Kail Andrew * living? living?
Stratz Michael living? living?
Straub unknown living? living?
Strausser Nellie Alice * 1917 2011
Strayer Carl Orville * 1907 1977
Strayer Norman * 1878 1934
Street Addison "Zone" (Dr) * 1897 1983
Street Aldine Addison * 1870 1897
Street Alva Erwin "Alvie" * 1899 1915
Street Barbara Ruth * 1929 2016
Street Bertha May 1893 possibly 1971
Street Charles Morton * 1864 1946
Street Charles Omer * 1890 1893
Street Cheryl JoAnn living? living?
Street Eliza J * unknown unknown
Street Eulalia Vashti * 1891 1964
Street Greenberry R * 1828 1901
Street Guy Richard * 1918 1981
Street Guy Robinson * 1893 1966
Street Helen Louise * 1922 2011
Street Iva May * 1886 1971
Street James Franklin * 1920 1981
Street James Franklin Jr * 1946 1979
Street James William * 1859 1892
Street Joe living? living?
Street John living? living?
Street John Griffin * 1896 1979
Street John Rush * 1861 1946
Street John Vernon * 1904 1904
Street Larry William living? living?
Street Leon Kemery Jr * living? living?
Street Mable Zelma * 1895 1981
Street Margaret Elizabeth * 1854 1933
Street Margaret Elizabeth "Peg" * 1919 2000
Street Mary Jane * 1902 1975
Street Olive Loretta "Ollie" * 1888 1964
Street Pleasant Greenberry * 1862 1933
Street Robert Jr "Bob" living? living?
Street Robert Warren * 1921 2006
Street Russell Dean * living? living?
Street Ruth living? living?
Street Sarah Ann * 1857 1897
Street Ulysses Clinton * 1868 1949
Street unknown female 1889 1889
Street Wilda Fay * 1898 1959
Street William Albert * 1893 1965
Street William Irl * 1891 1962
Street Winifred Irline "Winnie" * 1899 1982
Streeter Ruth unknown unknown
Streeval Elmer unknown unknown
Streif Frieda unknown unknown
Strickland Frank Leroy Sr * 1911 1989
Strickland Robert Ray * 1937 2011
Strickler Lester Lee 1916 1980
Strickler Maudie Pauline 1912 1986
Strid Betty Jean unknown unknown
Strietelmeier Harvey 1905 1986
Strike Kason living? living?
Stringer Joy * 1906 1958
Stringer Joyce Voncile * 1928 1989
Stringer Virginia c. 1927 c. 1927
Stringer William M unknown unknown
Stringfellow Jim Willi living? living?
Stringham David Lee * living? living?
Stringham unknown female living? living?
Strohl Margaret Jane * 1884 1927
Strohl unknown unknown unknown
Strohm Don living? living?
Strohschein Sandra A * living? living? 
Strole Donald Raymond living? living?
Strole Isabelle living? living?
Strong unknown living? living?
Strother Alvin Harland Jr living? living?
Strother Alvin Harland Sr 1935 2001
Strother Joscelyn Nikol living? living?
Strother Joshua Harland living? living?
Strother Viney * 1871 1966
Stroud Anna Marie 1900 1946
Stroup Alice E living? living?
Stroup Belinda Kay living? living?
Stroup Christi living? living?
Stroup Danielle "Nellie" living? living?
Stroup David living? living?
Stroup Donna Mae living? living?
Stroup Donna Patricia * living? living?
Stroup Evelyn Elizabeth * 1954 2011
Stroup Gloria Edith "Chic" * 1933 2011
Stroup James Edward * 1878 1956
Stroup Jessee James "Chub" * 1935 2010
Stroup Marshall Thomas * 1901 1954
Stroup Michael R living? living?
Stroup Michele Rene "Sissy" * 1959 2002
Stroup Nancy living? living?
Stroup Raymond Marshall 1923 1996
Stroup Richard Fane "Rich" * 1928 1998
Stroup Roland Worth * 1926 1926
Stroup Romie Nicholas "Bo" * 1931 2015
Stroup Rudolph Donnell * 1927 1970
Stroup Sandra Faye * living? living?
Stroup Shelia or Sheila Denise * 1966 1999
Stroup Sonya 1960 1960
Stroup Tammy Marie * living? living?
Stroup Terry Lynn * 1962 2003
Stroup Timmy James living? living?
Stroup Tina living? living?
Stroup unknown living? living?
Stroup unknown living? living?
Stroup unknown living? living?
Stroup unknown living? living?
Stroup Wanda Faye * 1941 2002
Stroup Wanita Mae * 1941 unknown
Struck Donna Ann * living? living?
Struckman Carmel J living? living?
Strunk Daisy living? living?
Stryker Isadora E c. 1853 unknown
Stubblefield Beverly Ann * living? living?
Stubblefield Charles Thomas * 1910 1972
Stubblefield David R * 1947 1947
Stubblefield Phyllis living? living?
Stubblefield Robert living? living?
Stubblefield Thomas* unknown unknown
Stubbs Bertha Olive * 1882 1918
Stubbs Charles unknown unknown
Stubbs Harvey Edwin 1860 unknown
Stubbs Michael living? living?
Stubbs Nellie May * 1911 1997
Stucker unknown unknown unknown
Stuckey David Alan living? living?
Stuckey Dean Alan living? living?
Stuckey Elizabeth E "Lizzie" * 1880 1949
Stuckey Kevin Patrick living? living?
Stuckey Michael Alan living? living?
Stuckey Robert Dean living? living?
Stuckey Robert Michael living? living?
Stuckey Samuel David living? living?
Stuckey Sherman living? living?
Stucky Bruce David living? living?
Stucky Esther Lorraine living? living?
Stueber Anna unknown unknown
Stueber Clara Rose * 1882 1967
Stuffle Andrea Danielle * living? living?
Stuffle Henry * 1860 1937
Stuffle James Burley * 1902 1970
Stuffle Norman Patrick * 1937 1981
Stuffle Rojean living? living?
Stuffle Sarah Anna 1896 unknown
Stuffle Theresa D * living? living?
Stulken Gary R living? living?
Stulken Henry 1878 unknown
Stulken unknown female living? living?
Stulken Vincent Henry * 1908 1994
Stull (Welter) Gene A * 1924 2016
Stull Sandra living? living?
Stull Scott living? living?
Stull Stephen M 1955 2011
Stumpf Walter Irving * 1910 1992
Sturdevant Orah Belle * 1872 1960
Sturgell Eva May * 1920 2004
Sturgell John Bert * 1886 1924