Cemeteries: Kansas (Norton County)


Below you will find a list of various cemeteries.  
They are the final resting place for ancestors featured on this website. 
If we know where they are buried, they are on this page.
(if they have a * there is a tombstone photo)
If you want more information on any of the people listed below, 
click on their name.  Happy hunting!

 Kansas (Norton County)


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Norton County, KS: Farmingdale Cemetery, Norton (5)

Carrie (Linnell) GROSE * 
Hiram Alexander GROSE *
Lafayette S "Lafe" LINNELL *
Russell GROSE *
Serena Petrina (Miller) LINNELL *

Norton County, KS: Mt Hope Cemetery, Almena (53)

Abraham Lincoln "Link" CART *
Agnes (Austin) BAKER *
Alice Mary (Vincent) SATTER *
Anna Laura GROSE *
Anna Viola (Huff) WENDEL *
Arthur Ira RUNYAN *
Bessie Florence (Wendel) GROSE *
Clara Elizabeth (Grose) HELLER *
Claude Loren BUNDY *
Clyde Allen CART *
Cordelia "Cordie" (Grose) GOWDY *
Earl Dean RUNYAN *
Edna Beulah (Loughry) CART *
Elizabeth Jane "Lizzie" (Hill) RUNYAN *
Elma Rose (Culver) CAMPBELL *
Emelia (Schmidt) ROEDER *
Esther Lillian (Roeder) BUNDY *
Florence Elmina (Grose) BUNDY *
Frank Walter SATTER *
George Arthur RUNYAN *
Gertrude Catherine (Heller) KAUFFMAN *
Guy Dow BUNDY *
Hannah S (Harding) STEVENS *
Harlan Alexander BUNDY 
Henry Milton WENDEL *
James William GROSE *
John Frederick ROEDER *
John Oliver GROSE *
Laura Catherine (Fellows) GROSE 
Leah V (Gowdy) RUNYAN *
Lewis Roy BAKER *
Lucy Ellen (Grose) BAKER *
Madison BAKER *
Manassas "Nas" KAUFFMAN *
Mary Etta (Ritter) KAUFFMAN *
Mary May (Grove) CONARD *
Mary (Wollon) LUTHER *
Milford Oliver HELLER 
Nathaniel Nesbit CONARD *
Olive (Robinson) CART *
Oliver GROSE *
Osa Merle (Boatman) HELLER *
Oscar G HELLER *
Phillip David HELLER *
Sarah Etta (Grose) DAVIS *
Terry Wayne GROSE *
William A BOATMAN *
William C LUTHER *

William Clinton DAVIS *
William Earl GOWDY * 

Norton County, KS: Norcatur Cemetery, near Norcatur (1)

Shirley Dean (Cart) NEW *

Norton County, KS: Norton Cemetery, Norton (31)

Alice E (VanSickler) LOUGHRY *
Alvah Edward LOUGHRY *
Arden Ella (Brown) WATKINS *
Arthur Edward LOUGHRY 
Carl Orville STRAYER * 
Chester A BRIGHT *
Darwin A LOUGHRY *  
Ella Elizabeth (Bunton) McNEILLEY * 
Emma (Brooks) CLELAND
 Ernest Wilkins "Wick" McNEILLEY
Florence Margaret (Heller) LOUGHRY *
Genola Maxine (Grose) CAMPBELL *
George W "Buster" CAMPBELL * 
Hiram Webster CLELAND *
Ivelyn (Satter) LOUGHRY *
Johnie Lewis MONTONYE *
Laura E (Ward) STRAYER *
Neta Jean (Montonye) CAMPBELL *
Norman STRAYER *
Ollie Ira WATKINS *
Purl O GROSE *
Raymond O WATKINS *
Robert E BUNTON (unmarked, but we have a photo of the plot)
Ronald O WATKINS *
Ruby (Grose) STRAYER *
Ruth Z (Conard) GROSE *
Sarah (Dobbie) BRIGHT *

Velma Geneva (Grose) MONTONYE *
Walter Raymond BUNTON *
William Bradley GROSE *
William F "Bill" CAMPBELL *



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