Social Security - Alma Lucy Cronk


U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007

Name: Alma Lucycronk Brown
[Alma L Scott] 
[Alma Isom
[Alma Lucycronk Cronk] 
SSN: 414038787
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birth Date: 5 Jan 1915
Birth Place: Putnam CO, Tennessee
[Cookeville, Tennessee] 
Father Name: Joseph F Cronk
Mother Name: Effie L Printess
Death Date: 18 May 1989
Type of Claim: Original SSN.
Notes: May 1937: Name listed as ALMA LUCYCRONK BROWN; Nov 1964: Name listed as ALMA L SCOTT; 17 Nov 1976: Name listed as ALMA L ISOM; 31 Oct 1983: Name listed as ALMA LUCY ISOM