Pleasant Bowman, first son of William H and Julia Ann (Andis) Bowman,
served in the Civil War from 1861-1863. He entered the Army on 31 Oct
1861 at Keck's Church, Indiana (by Captain Keck), and was mustered 21 Nov
1861(by Lt. Bickham).
Pleasant was in Company K, 49th
Infantry from Indiana. On his muster papers, he was listed as a
farmer. He was described as having dark eyes, dark hair, dark complexion,
5'10" tall, and age 18.
Pleasant received wounds in the battle of Chickasaw Bayou,
Mississippi in December of 1862, and died a month later. According
to a letter sent to Pleasant's parents (William H and Julia Ann) from
Paducah KY, he died at the W S General Hospital #3 on January 16, 1863. It
is unknown where he is buried.
In all cases, a copy of the original document is shown
first, and, where words are difficult to read, full transcription follows.
For purposes of authenticity, I have transcribed the information
exactly as it is written - with all punctuation, spelling, and sentence
structure the way it appears in the original text.